Trixie closed the door of her apartment. She knew she was lucky to have found one to sublet for the three months she was going to be in California for an internship, but she still didn’t really like living in the city. “And people are so weird here,” she thought. She heard a commotion in the hall and peeked out. She saw four men arguing passionately about comic book characters. She opened the door a bit further to get a better look, but that action caught the attention of the young men.
“Oh, hello,” said one who was wearing glasses. “I’m sorry if our debate bothered you.”
“Not at all. I was just making sure there was nothing wrong,” replied Trixie. “My name is Trixie,” she said as she held out her hand.
“My name is Leonard.” The two shook hands. Leonard turned to introduce the rest of the men to Trixie. “This is Howard,” he said as he pointed to a short man. Howard bent down, grabbed Trixie's hand and kissed it.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Howard purred as he leered at Trixie who quickly pulled her hand away.
“And this is Raj,” continued Leonard as he pointed to a young man who appeared to be from India. Trixie held out her hand, but the young man just froze and stared at her. Trixie glanced back at Leonard, who just shrugged and rolled his eyes. “And this is Sheldon,” Leonard said as he pointed to the tallest member of the group.
“Nice to meet you, Sheldon,” said Trixie as she held out her hand. Sheldon stared at her, his eyes focused on her extended hand.
“Have you recently washed your hands with antibacterial soap followed by a wipe down with hand sanitizer?” he asked tersely.
Trixie shook her head, her curls flying around. Sheldon shook his head, then replied, “If not, then I see no reason for us to shake hands.” With those words spoken, Sheldon turned and began climbing the stairs. He paused briefly on the steps and turned back to his friends, “Are you guys coming? It’s Star Wars Trilogy night and Obi Wan waits for no one!” To Trixie’s surprise, the three others turned and began climbing the stairs with Sheldon. Leonard stopped and looked back at Trixie.
“Sorry about this but it is Star Wars Trilogy Night,” he shrugged. "If we miss the Trilogy tonight, we'll have to wait until next month to watch it."
Trixie watched them go and then went back into her apartment. Closing the door, she muttered to herself, “Great, four wackadoodles living above me. I bet they’re all scientists.