Trixie and Bobby parked their car on the grounds of the old, abandoned insane asylum. The late afternoon sun shone on the ancient brick buildings. The gnarled trees swayed in the autumn breeze.
"Really, Trix, there's a geocache hidden somewhere around here?" questioned Bobby as he surveyed the area.
"Yep, and I'm going to find it. Those two guys in my sociology class bet me that I couldn't. I'll prove them wrong."
Trixie grabbed the GPS and the two started walking across the rolling grounds. The tall brick buildings, with metal bars covering the arched windows, stared down at them. Graffiti marked the crumbling bricks. Trixie monitored the GPS and followed its arrow as it led her to the site of the hidden cache. After a short hike, she and Bobby arrived at a telephone pole in the middle of a field.
"Aha," Trixie announced. "according to the GPS, this is ground zero and the geocache is right here."
"I don't see it," quipped Bobby.
"We're going to have to look hard for this one. It has the highest level of difficulty and no description of the cache is given on the website. Anything around here could be the actual cache."
To prove her point, Trixie began turning over the rocks that lay at the base of the old pole. Worn frayed wires, still connected above them, coiled loosely on the ground. Trixie checked them to see if they contained the hidden cache. Bobby, after a brief search, grew bored and wandered away.
"Don't go too far," Trixie yelled. "The inmates might get you"
"They'll get you first," replied Bobby.
After an hour of searching, Trixie was frustrated and dirty. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and she didn't want to be on the grounds after dark.
"Where is this stupid cache?" she grumbled.
"Hey, Trixie," said Bobby quietly. "Is this what you're looking for?"
Trixie glanced around the telephone pole and saw Bobby holding a tiny cache container.
"Gleeps, you found it," she exclaimed.
Trixie excitedly grabbed the cache, removed the log and signed it. Then Bobby carefully replaced it back in its hiding place.
"You're a good caching partner, Bobby," Trixie remarked as they made their way back to their car.
"Yea, this was fun. What was the name of this cache again," Bobby asked.
"It's called In the Midst of Insanity," answered Trixie.
"Hey, that's a good name for it since you would have lost your sanity if you hadn't found it."
"True," said Trixie. "But I would have taken you with me. Mwwwaaahhahaha!"